IAC News
Upcoming Events
Date Time Teacher Session
Thu 25-Apr-2024 18:00 ash_win Thursday Bridge Bash with Ash : )
Fri 26-Apr-2024 18:00 antepa IAC Mythical tournament, format and time may vary
Sat 27-Apr-2024 18:00 FleuretteD IAC Swiss Teams tourney
Sun 28-Apr-2024 11:00 djc11 IAC Sunday Funday Tourney
19:10 FleuretteD IAC Survivor, lets show the world how good survivers we are : )
Mon 29-Apr-2024 18:20 Curls77 DARE DECLARE tournament + review with Cedar or poco1
Tue 30-Apr-2024 18:00 djc11 Trippy Tuesday Trny
18:45 Cedar *** Play and Discuss *** Discussion on zoom after each board * Held in Lesson public club
Wed 01-May-2024 18:00 Hi Bye Di Stories - IAC tournament, lets share a fun story while enjoing the game!
Thu 02-May-2024 18:00 ash_win Thursday Bridge Bash with Ash : )
Fri 03-May-2024 18:00 antepa IAC Mythical tournament, format and time may vary
Sat 04-May-2024 18:00 FleuretteD IAC Swiss Teams tourney
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